Elsie (Admin) +61 8 478 628 714 Ray (Operations) +61 477 480 913 Sales +61 418 910 721 info@assg.com.au
Australian Specialty Stone Group

Australian Specialty Stone Group is a Western Australian registered company based in Perth. The founders of the company have prospected in the outback of Western Australia for over 15 years and have identified “unique ” stone suitable for a wide range of uses in the architecture, furniture, landscape, artifact and semi-precious stone jewellery industries.

Australian Specialty Stone Group presently have 3 tenements within Western Australia where they source the rough stone for Australian and international clients.

Contact Details

Pick up from our warehouse

Address: 7 Harris Road
Malaga, Western Australia 6090

• Operations – Ray +61 477 480 913
• Sales – 61 451 991 862
• Admin – Elsie +61 478 628 714

Business Hours: TBA


The types of stone quarried by Australian Specialty Stone Group include:

“Testonite” – a breciated coloured jasper
“Desert Sunset” – banded jasper
“Pink Archaean” – silicified due to asteriod impact
“Black Jade” – fine grained dolerite